Ivan Guerrero, ny head coach for dame U19/1. division og pige U15 (årgang 2011+2012)

Hørsholm 79ers Basketball
14. maj. 2024

Det er med stor glæde, at vi i Hørsholm 79ers kan byde velkommen til vores nye førsteholdstræner på damesiden: Ivan Guerrero fra Argentina.

Ivan medbringer over 10 års erfaring som træner på både ungdoms- og seniorniveau fra lande som Argentina, Qatar, Island og Danmark (Svendborg Rabbits). I denne sæson har han været head coach for U15, U17 og U19 samt assistent coach for førsteholdet i KR Karfa på Island.

I den kommende sæson vil Ivan være head coach for vores 1. divisions U19 kvindehold og head coach for vores U15 pigehold (årgang 2011-2012), med Vicky Agami som assistent coach. Derudover vil Ivan spille en central rolle i at styrke og udvikle hele pigesiden i klubben.

I forbindelse med offentliggørelsen af Ivans tiltrædelse som head coach i 79ers udtaler han:

“I’m excited to be back in Denmark, a place where I've always felt at home! Thrilled to kickstart training for Hørsholm's women's teams - a club filled with incredible individuals and top-notch professionals. I'm committed to giving my all, aiming to elevate the teams to new heights by harnessing their best qualities. Let's soar together!”

Til vores dygtige 1. division U19 kvindehold søger vi en assistent coach som støtte til holdet. Hvis du er passioneret omkring spillerudvikling og ønsker at udvikle dine trænerevner, bedes du kontakte Patrick Mortensen.

Tilknytningen af Ivan til Hørsholm 79ers er en fortsat investering i vores udviklingsmiljø på pigesiden. Vi er gået fra at have 6 U17/U19 spillere for to sæsoner siden til nu at have 42 spillere i samme aldersgruppe, fordelt på både bredde- og elitehold på pigesiden.

Vi ser frem til at arbejde sammen med Ivan og drage fordel af hans store erfaring og ekspertise, så vi kan løfte vores pigespillere til nye højder.

Ivan besøger Hørsholm i første uge af juni, inden han rejser hjem til Argentina for sommeren, så han er frisk og klar til den nye sæson. I løbet af hans besøg vil han møde de hold, han får ansvaret for, og forhåbentlig mange flere hold på pigesiden.

Endnu en gang skal der lyde et stort velkommen til Ivan Guerrero!

In English:

We are thrilled to welcome Ivan Guerrero from Argentina as the new head coach for the women's first team at Hørsholm 79ers.

Ivan brings over 10 years of experience as a coach at both youth and senior levels from countries such as Argentina, Qatar, Iceland, and Denmark (Svendborg Rabbits). This season, he has served as head coach for U15, U17, and U19 teams, as well as assistant coach for the first team at KR Karfa in Iceland.

In the upcoming season, Ivan will be the head coach for our 1st division U19 women's team and the U15 girls' team (born 2011-2012), with Vicky Agami as the assistant coach. Additionally, Ivan will play a central role in strengthening and developing the entire girls' program in the club.

Regarding his appointment as head coach at 79ers, Ivan states:

“I’m excited to be back in Denmark, a place where I've always felt at home! Thrilled to kickstart training for Hørsholm's women's teams - a club filled with incredible individuals and top-notch professionals. I'm committed to giving my all, aiming to elevate the teams to new heights by harnessing their best qualities. Let's soar together!”

We are looking for an assistant coach to support our talented 1st division / U19 women's team. If you are passionate about player development and eager to advance your own coaching skills, please contact Patrick Mortensen.

Bringing Ivan to Hørsholm 79ers is a continued investment in our development environment for the girls' program. We have grown from having 6 U17/U19 players two seasons ago to now having 42 players in the same age group, across both recreational and elite teams.

We look forward to working with Ivan and benefiting from his extensive experience and expertise to elevate our female players to new heights.

Ivan will visit Hørsholm in the first week of June before returning to Argentina for the summer, so he will be fresh and ready for the new season. During his visit, he will meet the teams he will be responsible for and hopefully many more teams in the girls' program.

Once again, a big welcome to Ivan Guerrero!

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